[KWlocate] New fix

srkw at orcasphere.net srkw at orcasphere.net
Sun Feb 6 17:47:02 PST 2011

Scott Veirs|scott at beamreach.org|Self|.|Central Elliott Bay|2011|02|06|17|30|.|.|.|.|.|.|.|J|.|Slow|E|Members of J pod including a juvenile just entered Elliott Bay (at least east of a line between Duwamish Head (W Seattle) and the Grainery (Interbay).  Once they got out of the wind waves there was a lot of breaching, including by the juvenile.  This is the first entrance into Elliott Bay that Jeff Hogan and I have heard of...  Listen to the Seattle Aquarium tonight, as well as Port Towsnend -- http://orcasound.net

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