[KWlocate] New SRKW location

srkw at orcasphere.net srkw at orcasphere.net
Fri Mar 27 02:41:21 PDT 2009

Marla Holt|marla.holt at noaa.gov|Self|.|Off Grays Harbor|2009|03|26|03|30|.|.|.|.|.|.|.|L|.|.|S|We found L pod on the 4th day at sea!!! The NOAA ship, McArthur II ran into all of L pod just north of Grays Harbor. WA in the middle of the night last night (~0330 March 26). We lost them acoustically but then found them visually and acoustically in the mid morning and were able to deploy the small boat (RHIB).  The whales were spread out and traveling south most of the day.  Brad and the rest of the crew got photo IDs and some prey samples, stayed with them day until 1830.  Last visual sighting was at dusk when they grouped back up and became quiet. Hopefully we will stick with them through the night to get more samples tomorrow.

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