[KWlocate] New SRKW location

srkw at orcasphere.net srkw at orcasphere.net
Fri Aug 8 13:19:14 PDT 2008

Mike Lawson|scott at beamreach.org|Self|.|Lime Kiln|2008|08|08|12|00|.|.|.|.|.|.|.|Orcas|.|.|.|I had been listening to the hydrophone at Lime Kiln for approximately an hour when all of a sudden at around 12:00pm I started hearing the unmistakable sounds of Orcas passing through.  This lasted until approximately 12:20pm.  Unfortunately, the whale sounds were immediately followed by loud motor sounds, most likely from whale watching boats that nearly drowned out the whale sounds.  I can't imagine how difficult and annoying it must be for the whales to continue to communicate with all of that background noise.

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